Childrens Music Portal
CD : Susan Salidor : Come & Make A Circle
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Susan Salidor

Come and Make A Circle

Let's Sing
      Come And Make A Circle
      Me Llamo Susana
Favorite Fingerplays
      When I Was A Little Fish
      First You Take A Seed
      Five Little Turkeys
      Two Little Blackbirds
      Hear That Train
Rhythm & Rhyme
      Tap Your Toe And Follow Me
      John The Rabbit
Songs That Teach
      The Boo Boo Gets Better By And By
      I Thing You Dropped This
      The Month Song
Let's Dance
      The ABC Song
      Che Che Kule
      Over The Deep Blue Sea
      Skip To My Lou
Time To End

Artist's Bio



For ages 6 & under

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