Children's Music Portal
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How to get in the directory
You must be involved in CHILDREN'S MUSIC to get listed

For a free listing in this directory:
send an email with "" on the subject line to:

(retype, don't paste this address, it has spaces to avoid spam)

Include your name, what you do, and your URL



If you are an artist selling cds in the store, you are automatically listed.

If you are a performer and would like to submit music for review or posting, let us know. Writing an article on any topic (talk to us first) regarding children's music gets you a very worthwhile listing in the Contributors Directory as well as other promotional considerations. See sample page.

If you have an area of expertise and would like to share it, speak up. We'll help you with your article, and give you space in the appropriate areas. See How To Partner for more info.
Streaming Children's Music Webcast.